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  6. 3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes LZ-587, 4 ft x 164 ft

3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes LZ-587, 4 ft x 164 ft

  • 3M ID JR420048241
產品特點 符合資格獲得 LEED 積分
設計樣式 Abstract
應用領域 裝飾表面處理, 翻新

Aesthetics - DI-NOC architectural finishes resemble natural materials and other types of surfaces to an astonishing degree. They deliver the look you want, at the price you need.

Remodel and Reuse - They go up fast, with less likelihood of error and waste, and bring life to existing assets.

Easy Application - 3M Comply™ Adhesive Technology virtually eliminates bubbles, simplifying and speeding application. Pressure-sensitive adhesive bonds powerfully to many application surfaces.



  • Aesthetics - DI-NOC architectural finishes resemble natural materials and other types of surfaces to an astonishing degree. They deliver the look you want, at the price you need
  • Remodel and Reuse - They go up fast, with less likelihood of error and waste, and bring life to existing assets
  • Easy Application - 3M Comply™ Adhesive Technology virtually eliminates bubbles, simplifying and speeding application. Pressure-sensitive adhesive bonds powerfully to many application surfaces
  • 耐常見污漬、清潔劑和消毒劑
  • 易清潔耐、消毒和維護
  • 比傳統室內表材料更耐用

3M™ DI-NOC™ Architectural Finishes are decorative surface finishes available in 500+ designs at a budget-friendly price. 3M DI-NOC designs offer the warmth of wood grain. The sleek feel of metal. The cool of natural stone. Specify them and you won't think faux - you'll think, fantastic.

Zoomed in look at the texture of a wood dinoc finish on a roll in front of a wood background

花色高階木紋系列採專業控光反射和消光塗層技術結合精緻深刻浮凸木紋與高品質印刷呈現出高擬真色調和紋理。此系列為3M™ DI-NOC™ 裝飾貼膜最高等級的木紋系列。

  • Icon of a money symbol over a hand symbolizing "cost-effective"


  • 900+ patterns icons


  • Icon of a clock with a rotating outer circle symbolizing "quick installation"


  • Icon of a building with an arrow making a circle around it symbolizing "remodel and reuse"


Midcentury modern lobby adorned with various natural finishes.
Recommended applications: Decorative Surface Finish and Refurbishing



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